The Network Movement for Justice and Development (NMJD) is a national civil society organization

Network Movement for Justice and Development (NMJD) is a national civil society organization. It was established in 1988 in Kenema, eastern Sierra Leone, with the aim of working towards building a just and self–reliant Sierra Leone, where the marginalized and exploited will be equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge and empowered to take control of their own lives.

The inspiration to form the organization was borne out of the collective commitment of the founders to the preferential ‘option for the poor’ orientation and the ‘See, Judge, Act’ methodology of ‘Training for Transformation.’ NMJD focuses on empowering the people and communities, as well as strengthening their capacity, to build a free, just and democratic society where there is respect for human rights and sustainable development for the benefit of all.

Today, NMJD has not only become a national organization with offices and staff around the country, but also a vanguard for the promotion of social change. It has played (and continues to play) a pivotal role in organizing and mobilizing CSOs, CBOs and social movements around the country into strong networks and coalitions for effective and creative engagements with strategic stakeholders at local, national and international levels. NMJD has extended its niche for capacity building to these networks and coalitions by organizing trainings and other learning events for them.

NMJD has also made immense progress in creating the necessary environment, confidence and trust for civil society to work collaboratively with government MDAs on issues that affect the general citizenry. The general mistrust, which used to restrain MDAs and CSOs from working together, is gradually giving way to a more consultative and collaborative partnerships.


A just and self-reliant society (Sierra Leone) where women, men, children and communities are conscientized and live-in dignity without fear and discrimination, especially on grounds of sex, race, faith, socio-economic and political status.



The Network Movement for Justice and Development is a Sierra Leonean civil society organization that engages in advocacy and strengthens/enhances the capacity of civil society organizations to effectively engage women, men, children, communities, government and other actors for the transformation of society.



Commitment to the transformation of society.

We believe in resilience, perseverance and motivation to work together in pursuance of genuine and progressive change in society.

Participation and inclusiveness at all levels

We believe in the promotion of a culture of inclusion and participation of all partners and stakeholders.

Mutual accountability and transparency

We recognize the importance of mutual accountability and transparency as a practice, which promote trust and sustainable development without discrimination. We regard these as values that NMJD is obliged not only to promote through its work and those it interacts with, but a culture to be role modeled for others.

Respect for individual’s dignity

We recognize the dignity of every person and strive to listen to the views and opinions of others and promote and protect this dignity in all our activities.

Gender equity and justice

We recognize the value of women’s contribution to society and that this value has been demeaned and undermined for a long time. We thus seek to raise their status and empower them not only to be recognized, but to speak up and be heard. We believe that this can best be achieved by women, together with men, who are sensitive to and aware of the unequal treatment and injustice suffered by women.  We commit to promote such instruments like CEDAW etc.


We believe that all persons have a right to self-determination and, as such, ensure that this right is promoted and protected in all aspects of our work.

Teamwork and collectivism

We believe that by working in teams we are able to support one another and thus create greater impacts in our work.

Reflection, learning and sharing

We believe in socio-cultural and economic transformation at all levels as the basic solution to poverty in Sierra Leone. We also believe that self-transformation among individuals is the force necessary to drive and achieve collective change. We therefore strive in all our activities to institute systems and practices, which promote reflection, learning and sharing as a vehicle to achieve social and economic change.

Mutuality in partnership

We believe in partnership as a strong means to realizing our mission and vision. We therefore believe that all stakeholders (primary and secondary) should be involved in decision-making and implementation of all NMJD’s activities.  “Mutuality in Development Cooperation” is our watch phrase.

Solidarity with the poor and those struggling for change in society

We believe in solidarity with all those with whom we think alike and remaining steadfast in our commitment to stand by the poor in their struggle to address the root causes of poverty.


NMJD aspires to continue to be the vanguard for social change by facilitating the mobilization and organization of social movements and enhancing their capacity to engage at all levels for socio-economic, cultural and political transformation using innovative approaches and promoting alternative value systems.


NMJD understands poverty asA condition where individuals, families and local communities are unable to meet their basic requirements for survival with dignity on a sustainable basis; and government is unable to fulfil its obligations to the people”.